How to Answer, "Walk Me Through Your Resume?"-In Interviews

interview talking about walk me through your resume

Recruiters and hiring managers love to start interviews and break the ice with this common interview question of, “Walk me through your resume.” And you want to be able to shine in this question to start your interview with a positive first impression.

While this question might seem simple, it can catch even the most experienced job seekers off guard. However, with the right approach, you can transform it into a golden opportunity to showcase your qualifications effectively.

In this post, we'll unravel the secrets of crafting a compelling response to that leaves the hiring team wanting to know more about you. Let’s go!

Understanding the Purpose

Before we dive into the tips and strategies, it's helpful if you understand why interviewers ask this question.

"Walk me through your resume" serves multiple purposes:

  1. Establishing Rapport: It's often one of the first questions in an interview and helps break the ice. It allows you to narrate your professional journey in your own words, making the conversation more personal.

  2. Validating Your Credentials: It enables the interviewer to cross-check your resume, ensuring that your stated experiences align with your verbal account.

  3. Assessing Your Communication Skills: How you articulate your career story reflects your ability to convey information clearly and concisely.

  4. Notice any red flags: Hiring teams are trying to find 1 ultimate candidate they can hire. So, they use this question to see any red flags. Because this question is so vague, often candidates tell too much information or not enough which might show red flags and eliminate certain candidates.

Structuring Your Response

To ace this question, structure your response effectively:

  1. Begin with a Brief Overview: Start with a concise summary of your professional background. Mention the number of years you've worked, your current role, and any overarching themes in your career.

  2. Highlight Key Milestones: Dive into the details, focusing on significant milestones, roles, or achievements. Discuss the skills you've gained, your contributions, and the impact you've made in previous positions.

  3. Connect the Dots: Emphasize how each role prepared you for the next. Describe the progression in your career and how your experiences has shaped your skills and abilities.

  4. Address Career Gaps: If you have gaps in your resume, you can explain them here honestly and positively. Discuss what you learned or accomplished during those periods.

  5. Showcase Relevant Achievements: Tailor your response to the job you're applying for. Highlight accomplishments that are directly related to the position and demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While crafting your response, steer clear of common pitfalls:

  1. Reciting Your Resume: This question isn't an invitation to recite your resume verbatim. Instead, it's an opportunity to provide context and depth to your experiences.

  2. Being Too Detailed: Avoid getting lost in minutiae. Focus on the most relevant and impactful experiences.

  3. Forgetting Soft Skills: Don't just talk about your technical skills and accomplishments. Highlight your soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and adaptability.

  4. Not Preparing: Underestimating this question is a mistake. Practice your response to ensure a smooth delivery.

Sample Answer

"I've been in the marketing field for about ten years, and my journey started at Company A, where I honed my digital marketing skills. My success in increasing online engagement led me to Company B, where I served as a Marketing Manager for five years, overseeing a team of six and achieving a 30% growth in lead generation.

After that, I decided to further my education and completed a master's degree in marketing. During this time, I also worked as a freelance consultant, where I managed various digital marketing campaigns for clients across different industries.

Now, I'm eager to bring my experience and expertise to your team as a Senior Marketing Specialist, leveraging my strategic thinking and data-driven approach to drive your marketing initiatives forward."

Sample Answer

“I've had the opportunity to wear various hats throughout my career in marketing and communications, with my most recent role as a marketing specialist. This role had a range of responsibilities such as overseeing social media strategies, creative writing, email marketing campaigns, and orchestrating successful events.

During my experience I’ve worked in diverse marketing channels and how to leverage them effectively to attain specific objectives. An example of this is when I spearheaded a social media campaign that boosted website traffic by an impressive 20% in my previous role.

Overall, I’m excited about this role because it combines what I specialize in in marketing communication efforts and aligns with my long-term career goals.”


"Walk me through your resume" is your chance to narrate your professional journey and highlight your qualifications.

Use this question to showcase your career progression, accomplishments, and the value you can bring to your potential employer.

By structuring your response effectively and avoiding common pitfalls, you'll make a positive impression and set the stage for a successful interview.


Navigating Interview Questions When You're Unsure (or don’t know the answer)


How to Address Resume Gaps in Interviews (+example answers)