5 steps to Write a Resignation Letter and End on a Positive Note (+examples included)

You’ve decided to leave your job and you’re so close to starting your next chapter.  But, before you start packing up your desk, talk with your manager to give notice and submit a resignation letter. 

 Your resignation letter should not replace an in-person conversation unless an urgent situation prevents resigning in person.

Let’s review what to include in your resignation letter so you end on a positive note o you’re that much closer to starting your new job!

What is a Resignation letter?

 Your resignation letter provides formal notification that you’re leaving your current position and to provide the date of your last day. 

Some companies might require it, but even if it’s not required, it’s a nice way to leave on a positive note and be included in your company file. 

Who do I send the resignation letter to?

Email your resignation letter to your direct manager (after you’ve had a conversation with them), and you can also CC your Human Resources Director or HR department.   

How Much Notice Should I Give?

The standard is to give at least two weeks’ notice.

Some circumstances might not be doable, but always try to give two weeks. 

This allows your company time to prepare for the transition and a way for you to end on a positive note.  Because, you never know when you might need to use a contact for a recommendation, work with someone from this company again in the future, or cross someone’s path working in your industry.   

What to Include in a Letter of Resignation 

Step 1) Subject Line

Include your full name-resignation

Introduction and notice of resignation (include last day)

The first sentence of your letter should make it clear that this is your formal resignation.

Also, include a specific date for your last day.

Step 2) (Optional) Say Why you’re leaving

This part is optional and could be as simple as stating that the new opportunity will help you continue to develop in your career, you’ve decided to make a career change, or be closer to family, etc. 

This is not the place to discuss your toxic boss or how the company has been a toxic work environment.

However, if you want to share some of your challenging experiences about the company, ask for an exit interview with Human Resources.  This is where you can share some of your experiences and recommendations for improvement.

Step 3) Include gratitude or note of appreciation

Even if you had a challenging experience, you can hopefully find something about the job you appreciated to end on a positive note.  It could be the opportunity, your co-workers, your supportive boss, good leadership, the impact the company makes externally, or even what you learned from working there. 

Tip: If you want to stay in touch with your manager or co-workers send them a separate email sharing your appreciation and wanting to stay connected.  Connect on Linkedin or send them your personal email address to stay contacts.

Step 4) Offer your support during the transition  

Finally, leave with offering support during this transition.  It could be as simple as saying, “Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help during these two weeks to assist with my departure.”

Step 5) Signature Line

Sign with best regards, sincerely, etc., and then include your full name under that.

Resignation Letter Template (Example)

Subject Line (if emailed): (Insert your full name) - Resignation

Dear (Insert name),

I want to inform you that I am resigning from my position with (insert company name), and my last day will be (insert date).

After careful consideration, I decided to accept another position that will continue to support my career growth. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to work with this company. (include more details of appreciation if you want).

I am happy to help make this a smooth transition. Please let me know if there is anything specific I can do to support these efforts.

Best regards,

(Insert your name)

Resignation Letter Example

Dear Susan,

I want to inform you that I am resigning from my position with Wells Fargo, and my last day will be November 1, 2021.

 After careful consideration, I have chosen to resign to take time to be with my family.  I have enjoyed working with you and David, my team, and appreciate the support you have given me. 

 I am happy to provide introductions and pass on the projects I am currently working on.  Please let me know when best to discuss this with you.


 Joe Miller


 Resignation Letter Example

 Dear Robert,

 Please accept my letter of resignation from my position of Corporate Fundraiser.  My last day of employment will be July 23, 2023.

 I received an offer to be an Executive Director and after careful consideration I have realized this opportunity is the next step for me to continue to progress in my career.

 Thank you for all of your support, guidance, and direction you have given me.  Working for this University has been an exciting adventure and I have truly appreciated the opportunity to work for such an inspiring organization that is impacting so many lives.

 I’m happy to help with the transition of my department so it will continue to run smoothly after my departure.  Let me know when we can discuss how I can support.

 I wish you and the team all the best!

 Best wishes,

John Jacobs

Final Thoughts

Remember to stay professional while you’re finishing up your current job. 

It’s also helpful to have a couple of weeks in between jobs (if you can) to unwind before starting your next job.

Either way, close this chapter and start preparing for your next job so you can be successful from the start and keep progressing to achieve all your goals.

Congrats on your next adventure!

- Melody Joy


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