When to follow up after any interview if you haven’t heard back (Samples Included)

person on computer

Maybe it’s been a week and all you can think about is how great your interview went, but you haven’t heard back from them.  So, you might be wondering, “When can I follow up after the interview if I haven’t heard back?’

 First) Don’t assume you didn’t get the job

 Take a quick breath and remember that many hiring managers/HR are dealing with other executives in the company that have to approve the decision, they’re juggling their own projects, timelines, etc. So…don’t get discouraged. 

 Second) Wait for the established timeframe to touch base

 If at the end of the interview they let you know they would reach out in 2 weeks, don’t reach out before then. 

 If you didn’t establish a follow up date with your hiring panel and it’s been one week go ahead and send a follow up email to show your still interested and ask if they need anything further.  

 Who do I send the follow up email to?

You’re going to send this follow up email to the recruiter or person you’ve been coordinating with in HR.

How to Write a Follow-Up Email to Check In

 Step 1: Craft a strong Follow up Subject Line

 Using a strong subject line is important to make sure your email gets open. 

For your subject line include one of the following for the follow up email.

Job Interview Follow up

Following up regarding Interview Results

Follow up-(Insert the job title you’re interviewing for)

Interview Status Follow up- (Include your last name)

Step 2: Write Your Follow-Up Email

Your follow up email should be simple and to the point with a positive tone and excited about the opportunity.

·         1. Greet the recipient by name

·         2. Explain that you’re following up regarding the job you interviewed for to ask about the status. 

·         3. Mention the job title and interview date.

·         4. Then Reaffirm your interest in the position. 

·         5. Ask directly for an update and finish by thanking the reader

Sample Check In- 1st Email After an Interview

Subject line: Follow up-(Insert Position title)

Hi (Insert Name)

I hope you’re doing well!  I just wanted to follow up on the (Insert position title) that we discussed (insert date of interview).  It was great getting to meet with the team and I would still love to align with (Insert company name).  You mentioned getting in touch about next steps, so just following up to see if there is anything further I could provide.

I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.


(Insert your full name)

(Insert your contact number)

(Insert your Linkedin)

Second Follow up Email after No Response:

Two weeks after the interview-If you still haven’t heard back, continue to follow up. Always be polite and show your persistence. This shows you follow up and care about the opportunity.

Sample Check In-Second Email  

Hi (Insert Name)

I hope you’re having a great week. I just wanted to check in on the (Insert position).  I’m still excited about the opportunity and would love to align with (Insert company name) and bring my skills in (insert skills that align). 

I just wanted to follow up to see if there is anything further you needed from me or next steps.

Thank you again. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.


(Insert your name)

(Insert your contact number)

 What Else to Do While Waiting for Interview Feedback

If You Never Heard Back or Weren’t Selected?

If you haven’t heard back, continue to be persistent, but also keep your options open during the interview process.  Make sure you are continuing to apply for other jobs until you secure the offer.  If you received news you weren’t selected, remember, this is still an opportunity for you to expand your network.  There may be another position that you’re a perfect fit for at the company, so add everyone you connected with in the interview process to your Linkedin network.

Take care of yourself during this process and know The right job is out there. Continue to apply well, improve on your interview skills and with that confidence, you will land that one great job you enjoy.

You got this!

- Melody Joy


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