Success Unveiled: 10 Habits of Top Performers, Exceptional Employees, and Effective Leaders

Atomic Habit book on table

The best leaders, employees, and top performers understand success is a process and a daily commitment to executing habits that drives their excellence. 

Most of us know someone inspiring to be around and seen as successful.  While some might see this person as someone who works really hard, achieving great results is different. Someone can work countless hours on their goals but not get the desired results. So, what makes the difference?

 “Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude.”— Ralph Marston

 So, let's review the proven habits of top performers, the best employees, and successful leaders.  Because, when these habits become part of your routine, it will drive your success! 

Proven Habits of Top Performers & Successful Employees/Leaders

Have a Growth Mindset & Continue to Learn

A top performer realizes to reach new levels, they need to have a growth mindset.  To pursue learning as an ongoing activity to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Continuous learning can include:

·        Learning a new skill

·        Career development

·        Taking on new challenges

·        Improving day-to-day tasks

·        Certifications

·        Reading or listening to audible books

Overall having a commitment for self-improvement for long-term development. 

Surround Yourself with the Right People

Surround yourself with people who also have big dreams, determination, self-motivation, and drive.

Top performers realize all leaders need other leaders in their lives to look up to and consult when necessary. These friends, colleagues, and mentors can take you to the next level, offering advice, ideas, or someone to brainstorm with. 

“The better you are at surrounding yourself with people of high potential, the greater your chance for success.”-John C Maxwell

Set SMART Goals

Write down and set your goals, so you can review, regularly evaluate and visualize, so you stay motivated for success! 

You want your goals top of mind. Otherwise, it’s easy to lose focus on what you’re working toward, get distracted, and react only to what others expect of you.

Set goals using the SMART method.  That includes setting goals that are: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.  Ask yourself what actions will produce the most value and are these goals in alignment with the direction you’re trying to go or goals trying to achieve.  Then stay accountable to them while remaining open to adjusting your goals based on your progress.

Prioritize Yourself

Top performers know they can only perform at a high level if they have the right energy and if their mind, body, and spirit are in a positive place.  So, they practice daily habits and morning routines.

Some of the habits top performers do on an ongoing basis include:

·        Getting enough exercise/movement

·        Healthy eating

·        Drinking enough water

·        Meditation,

·        Prioritizing your activities and tasks for the day,

·        Reading or listening to audible

·        Journaling

·        Practicing gratitude

Understand the Value of Your Time

Top performers know that their time is valuable and realize they have to protect their time and prioritize their tasks using smart time- management techniques to accomplish their goals.

Some of these includes:

·        Setting deadlines

·        Not checking emails so often

·        Being able to know what to say yes and no to

·        What to delegate out

·        Time batching specific tasks together to be more productive

Embrace Challenges & Take Action (Even When It’s Scary)

As leaders and top performers, you’ll face different challenges, but what differentiates you from others is being able to face challenges head-on.

Solving problems by evaluating the situation, being decisive in their decisions, not being afraid to try something new, and taking bold action even when it's scary or their not 100% sure.

 “Challenge yourself every day to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.” — Robert Tew

Practice Self Reflection

High performers continuously evaluate and look inward for how to improve, grow, get a clearer perspective on situations, and get better.

 Also, being open to listen to feedback, criticism and seeing mistakes as just an opportunity for growth. 

 “Experience is making mistakes and learning from them.”-Bill Ackman

Top performers take time to plan ahead.  Looking at the year, months, weeks, and days ahead to understand your upcoming projects/goals, and then prioritize their time to accomplish them.

Planning helps start each day knowing your priorities so you can manage your time effectively and increase your productivity.

Your effectiveness and planning will also directly impact any team members, as your responsibilities are a ripple effect among those you lead and work with.

Know Your Why

Top performers have an inspiring and powerful WHY and know what they want out of their life and their personal and career goals. 

When you know your why, working hard, and taking risks becomes worth the effort to keep pushing forward.  Otherwise, getting distracted or going in the wrong direction is easy because you don't know why you're doing something in the first place. 

Practice Patience

Top performers know that big goals and accomplishments take time.  The saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” applies as a reminder of the time needed to create something great. 

They keep perspective of the situation and allow the time it takes not being too critical of themselves or those around them.  

“With love and patience, nothing is impossible.”— Daisaku Ikeda

Final Thoughts

High performers and great leaders don’t just happen but happen with consistency and implementing habits.  These habits and practices become a part of your daily performance that helps to unleash your full potential. 

Continue to develop your habits, so you can continue to excel and show up with a positive attitude!

You Got this!

- Melody Joy






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