ACE Your Zoom and Video Interview: (Tips to Help you Prepare and Get the Job)

Person looking at zoom video on laptop

If you recently got invited for a job interview, CONGRATS!  You’re one step closer to landing that great job or your dream job!

Today, many companies do their interviews virtually over zoom or video. But you might be thinking, “What do I need to do to prepare for my video or zoom interview?”

We’ve got you covered. So, let’s ensure you’re prepared and know what to do before, during, and after your interview so you’re set you up for success to ACE THE INTERVIEW and secure the job!

Zoom & Video Interview Tips (prepare before the interview)

Research the company

You want to make sure you have a general understanding of the company to connect details throughout the interview, showing you’ve done your research and how you align with the company. 


·        What the company does

·        The company’s mission, vision, values

·        The company’s products, programs, who’s their target customer, region, or areas they serve

 Prepare to answer and ask questions

Similar to how you would prep for in-person interviews, practice the top interview questions you’ll be asked and think through how you can connect your experience and expertise related to the role. 

Also, in most interviews, you’ll be asked, “Do you have any questions for us?” You need to have some prepared to show you're taking this seriously and genuinely interested in the position. 

Questions to ask at the end of the interview might be about the company’s culture, responsibilities for the role or what the interviewer enjoys about the company.

Plan Your Interview Attire (Dress Professionally)

Dress as you would for an in-person interview to make a good impression.  Wear clothes appropriate for your industry and makes you feel confident.  

Choose an outfit that won’t be distracting on camera.  Solid colors do better than wearing a busy pattern.  Also, avoid wearing large pieces of jewelry that can make noise and interfere with sound quality. 

Plan Your Interview Location (Lighting, Background, Internet Connection)

Choose a quiet location you can easily stay focused without distractions. 

If you can’t avoid being around people, consider wearing headphones. (Just make sure to test them prior.)

 Consider the background the interview panel will see behind you on video and ensure it’s free from clutter and neutral.  You might consider setting up a professional zoom background to reduce any on- screen distractions.

 Factor in a spot with good lighting so the interview panel or recruiter can easily see you. 

Tip: If you can’t find a place with good lighting, consider adding a ring light. 

Also, remember to ensure you have a good internet connection and a spot you can leave your laptop or computer plugged in.

Have access to a computer or laptop

Make sure you have access to a computer or laptop.  You could do your interview on your phone (since most video platforms have a mobile app), but I don’t recommend it. Being on your computer gives you and the interview panel a better viewpoint and sound quality.

 Test Your Technology & Rehearse

Ensure you have the video platform you’ll be using downloaded on your computer.  If you already have the platform on your computer, make sure you have the most up- to- date version or do the update prior.

 Then, test your sound, mic, and familiarize yourself with the platform to know how to start, end your call, and start your video. If possible, practice with a friend or a family member.

Zoom interview tips (immediately before the interview)

Remove Distractions (Silence Phone & Turn off Notifications)

Remove any distractions that will interrupt you during your interview.  This can include turning off notifications on your computer, silencing your phone, and letting members of your house know you’ll be on a call, so they don’t interrupt you.

Tip: Close all popup windows to prevent audio or video from playing during your interview.  Set the Zoom/video meeting to full screen so that your interviewer is the only thing you can see. 

 Pull up the Video Link (Have Phone Number as alternative)

 Make sure to pull up your link before your call so you’re able to log in 5 minutes before, so you’re early.  If you have any technical issues the day of, check the call-in number you can reach for the video platform.  (It is usually listed under the link and information they sent over). 

If you must call in, apologize for being unable to be on camera as there are technical difficulties, (try to make sure this doesn’t happen!)

If there isn’t a call-in number and you have technical issues, call the recruiter or hiring manager who sent you the information.

Zoom interview tips (during the interview)

Communicate Clearly & Remain Positive

Even though a video interview might feel more informal, it’s still a formal interview.  Act as professional as you would in person.  Speak clearly and slowly without mumbling, and don’t answer too quickly.

Also remain positive and engaging throughout the interview.  Now is not the time to speak negatively about your former employer.

Be mindful of your facial expressions and body language

Show confidence by being sure of your answers, sit with good posture and maintain eye contact with the different individuals interviewing you. 

Be mindful of your body language and use nonverbal cues such as nodding or smiling to show your listening.  Also, maintain focus with the different individuals who are interviewing you.

Listen before you answer

Although you may have an idea of what questions to expect, listen carefully to what is being asked. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for further clarification or for them to repeat themselves.

Thank them for their time & Ask Questions

Before the call ends, they will likely ask if you have any questions for them.  Always ask a few questions to show your interest, help you understand the role further, and help you decide if this job is the right fit for you.

Then, thank the interviewer for their time and ask about next steps.

Interview tips (after the interview)

The final step in your interview process is to send a follow-up email to say thank you to communicate your interest and set yourself apart from other candidates. Keep going you’re one step closer to landing your DREAM JOB.

And make sure to negotiate the offer once you get it to set you up for financial success.

-Melody Joy


11 Red Flags to watch out for During the Job Interview Process (Signs you might want to decline the job offer)


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